Monday, April 21, 2014

Several Reasons that Adaptive Learning Systems are Catching On

Remember what school used to be like? The teacher taught a concept, gave some examples on the chalkboard, and then moved on. Your homework was based on what you had learned that day in class—and if you didn't grasp it, tough luck. If you mentioned the idea of "adaptive learning systems" to a teacher just a few years ago, you might as well have been speaking a foreign language. Luckily, things have changed. Students today are able to learn in a style that is tailored to their individual needs. Read on, as HeuLab explains what adaptive learning systems are and why some educators think they're the best thing since sliced bread.

What is an adaptive learning system?

In a nutshell, it is a computerized teaching tool that tailors the presentation of lessons to individual students, based on how they respond to questions and task assignments.

Why are adaptive learning systems so great?

Some traditional educators are wary of adaptive learning systems, worrying that they will lose control of their students' educations or even that computers will take the place of teachers. Far from it! Adaptive learning systems can help teachers enhance every student's classroom experience. Some of the benefits of adaptive learning systems include:

  • Adaptive learning systems let students learn at their own pace – Maybe Joey is a whiz at long division, while his classmate Jane is still struggling with more basic math skills. An adaptive learning system lets Joey advance through math problems more quickly, while still giving Jane the time she needs to master the basics.
  • Adaptive learning systems free teachers to offer customized individual help – The example of Joey and Jane above is familiar to every teacher—and it's a struggle for every teacher. What's the best thing to do? Slow down to make sure Jane grasps the material, while Joey gets bored? Or keep moving so Joey stays engaged, while Jane is lost and frustrated? With adaptive learning systems, teachers don't have to make this choice. They can float around and offer individualized help to students—without worrying that the rest of the class is tuning out.
  • Adaptive learning systems make students active, not passive, participants in their own education – Instead of sitting back while the teacher lectures, or letting other students answer all the questions, students using adaptive learning systems are forced to participate in their own educations. There is no hiding in the back row when this type of system is being used! Every student has to play a hands-on role in learning.

Are you eager to see HeuLab's adaptive learning system implemented in your child's school? What kind of a difference do you think it will make?


Thursday, April 17, 2014

Addressing Common Problems with Free Classroom Management Software

Gone are the days when students simply sat at their desks with a notebook and pencil and the teacher stood at the chalkboard. Today's classrooms are likely to be full of students sitting at computers—with all the accompanying distractions and potentials for diversion. Free classroom management software is available which can help teachers stay in control of student behavior. Read on for some common complaints from teachers—and see how free classroom management software can help.

Problem #1: I can't get class started! In today's classrooms, this is a common scene: students are seated at individual computers before class, browsing the web or instant messaging friends. The bell rings and the teacher is ready to get started—but students keep on doing as they please. Sound familiar? You can put an immediate stop to this with free classroom management software that allows you to lock screens, as necessary.

Problem #2: My students don't pay attention to my lesson. Have you ever been in this situation? You've spent a lot of time planning a fantastic lesson, but your students don't even know it—they are too busy e-mailing, playing games, or perusing social media during your class. Using free classroom management software can enable you to easily eliminate all these distractions. You have the ability to limit students' Web access—giving them no other option but to engage with your lesson.

Problem #3: I can only be in one place at once! Picture it: you have an interactive lesson planned, and your students are staring intently at their screens. Are they looking at what you're showing them from your computer at the front of the room? Or are they goofing off on Facebook, or reading the latest celebrity gossip? With free classroom management software, you can monitor all users' activity from a central workstation. You don't have to walk around the room or lurk behind distracted students—you'll be able to see everything from your own desk.

Problem #4: My students need to remain engaged. Do your students tune out if they're not completely engaged with a lesson? This is not uncommon. Free classroom management software allows teachers to produce lessons that are interactive and hold students' attention. Whether it's voting in a quick pulse poll or sharing their screens with the rest of the class, students are involved in a hands-on learning experience.

Have you had any other problems that classroom management software might be able to help you address? By utilizing this tool from HeuLab, you can ensure the best learning environment and highest levels of engagement from your students.


Monday, April 14, 2014

The Many Benefits of Interactive eLearning

With so many differing opinions and studies out there, many teachers have no idea what to believe; is it a good idea to use eLearning materials or is it bad? Some say that the prevalence of social media, cell phones, and other technologies are shortening attention spans and making kids today too reliant on machines for their own good. But others see technology as a wonderful tool for teaching – one that shouldn't be dismissed. On the fence about whether interactive eLearning is a good choice for your classroom? Read on to understand just a few of the many benefits that it offers to both students and teachers.

Interactive eLearning is engaging

In a few years, it will probably be considered commonplace to have a teacher electronically networked to all of his or her students, to have students be able to observe and take notes on a teacher's presentation on a computer, and for all student work to be submitted and graded electronically. For now, though, interactive eLearning is the new kid in town, and many students' interests are sparked by this exciting integration of technology and education. Teachers should strike while the iron is hot and get engaged with interactive eLearning before the novelty wears off!

Interactive eLearning simplifies evaluation management

If you're a teacher, you probably remember the days of collecting messy piles of quizzes, tests, and exercises; you recall carting loads of papers home to mark, trying to decipher students' handwriting, explaining to your students that you managed to misplace someone's paper, and spending hours transferring grades to a grade book. With interactive eLearning, all student homework and in-class work, as well as quizzes and tests, can easily be completed and saved in an individual repository, and teachers can update grades in the online system in a fraction of the time they used to spend. Interactive eLearning can help streamline your evaluation processes, while also giving your aching arms and eyes a break. 

Interactive eLearning is flexible

With all the options available in interactive eLearning platforms, there is something to meet the needs of every teacher—and every student! Maybe you don't want to compile your lesson plans in an eLearning platform. Or maybe some of the work your students submit will be handwritten. No problem! Flexible platforms permit a wide range of different teaching and learning styles—and you can try out several different tools and approaches to see what works best for you and your students.

Interactive eLearning can be personalized

Interactive eLearning allows you to understand each student's needs. Student work is no longer completed in a "black box" that leaves the teacher with no idea of a student's processes or approach to work. With interactive eLearning, teachers can observe students in real-time—and make on-the-spot suggestions for course correction.

Teachers—have you used interactive eLearning in your classroom? How did you like it?
